Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 3 May 7th

Well 2 days at the gym switched it up a little bit. Instead of circuit I concentrated on Legs and core.

Here's the breakdown of the diet and fitness
Calories Consumed    1615
Calories Burned           890
Net                               825

May 7, 2014

Sonic - Sausage Egg and Cheese Burrito (Corrected From Website), 189 g50039g29g24g320mg1,480mg0g1g
Butterball Oven Roasted Turkey Breast - Deli Meat, 4 oz1006g2g18g80mg900mg0g0g
Pepperidge Farm - Carb Style - 7 Grain Bread, 2 slice12016g3g10g0mg300mg0g6g
Thomas - Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Thins, 1 bagel11025g1g4g0mg160mg6g5g
Acme - All Natural Oven Browned Turkey Breast, 6 oz.1500g0g33g75mg1,020mg0g0g
Salami - Hard Salami, 0.5 oz650g5g3g18mg150mg0g0g
Philadelphia - Whipped Cream Cheese Spread, 1 Tbsp (22g)251g2g1g8mg45mg1g0g
Chobani - Greek Yogurt Simply 100 Vanilla Blended, 10.6 oz20028g0g24g10mg130mg14g10g
Generic - Peanut M&ms, 1/8 cup12513g6g2g3mg10mg11g1g
Atkins - Day Break Apple Crisp Bar, 1 Bar1508g7g9g0mg125mg2g5g
Herrs Pop Chips - Single Bags, 1 bag7013g2g1g0mg170mg2g1g


Treadmill Walkng Weight Loss Program30030 
Strength Training
Abdominal Crunches 42550
Leg Curls 31530
Leg Extension 31530
Leg Press 42555


Day 2 May 6th, 2014

May 6th, Day 2

First day back at the gym. WHEW felt awesome! Kept my calories at 1,001 and burned :

Cardio        221
Circuit        604
Total           825

Calories    1001
Exercise      825
Net              176

Net Calories 176 not counting my daily calories. Drank 12 8 ounce (96) of fluids. Need to get some more in tonight. Here is the breakdown
Chobani - Greek Yogurt Simply 100 Vanilla Blended, 5.3 oz10014g0g12g5mg65mg7g5g
Wawa - Mango, Strawberries and Pineapple, 1 cup14034g1g2g0mg0mg30g4g
Starkist - Canned Tuna In Water, 2 container (4 oz. drained (about 1/4c) ea.)1800g2g40g80mg720mg0g0g
Hellmann's - Mayo, 1 TBL900g10g0g5mg90mg0g0g
Pickle relish - Sweet, 1 tbsp205g0g0g0mg122mg1g0g
Pepperidge Farm - Carb Style - 7 Grain Bread, 2 slice12016g3g10g0mg300mg0g6g
Butterball Oven Roasted Turkey Breast - Deli Meat, 4 oz1006g2g18g80mg900mg0g0g
Pepperidge Farm - Carb Style - 7 Grain Bread, 3 slice18024g5g15g0mg450mg0g9g
All Natural Pop Chips - Potato Chips, 0.59 oz7111g2g1g0mg112mg1g1g
Walking, 2.5 mph, leisurely pace10520 
Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog11620 
Strength Training
Abdominal Crunches 31530
Leg Curls 31530
Leg Extension 31530
Machine Squat 31530
Seated Biceps Curl 31530
Triceps Push Down 31530
Bench (Chest) Press, Machine 31530
Lateral Arm Raise, Machine 31530
Seated Row, Floor, Machine 31530
Shoulder Press 31530






Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5th - Day 1

Well today was a challenge as the first day always is! First I decided ..Let me jump on the scale and verify my weight (UGH!) Well I am guessing the last week of Prednisone kicked in I weighed in at 236. After a few words of disgust...I said welp... everyone has to start somewhere. This is my Somewhere... Let the games begin! Boots 2 Asses

I had to go to DC to conduct training and I was on the road over 4 hours. I didn't sleep well (which is another subject) which is a known cause for difficulty losing weight. So needless to say by the time I got home I was in a good deal of pain. I stayed on track as far as calories and my water. I did some walking though so that is a start :)

total calories 1,093

McDonalds Sausage Egg Burrito  300

Chick-Fila Sandwich                     440

Homemade Chicken Scampi         353

Lots of water and Ice tea unsweetened. My Calories goal is 1443 per day so I have about 337 to play with if I am starving later. If that happens I'll grab some cheese or some turkey or some oil popped popcorn.

Breakfast - Lunch - Snack is Packed!

For my self spirit improvement - Make sure you impact someone's life in a positive way everyday.

Be Great in everything you do. My Motto for this journey...

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5th, 2014 New Beginnings :)

May 4th, 20104 (May the 4th be with you HAHAHA)
OK so many things I can write about.
Let's start with a little recap. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in October 2013. Since then I gained 20 of the 80 I have lost. Man am I feeling it. I am still in my 14 jeans but they are screaming! :) So Starting tomorrow May 5th, I am back on it. Current status 5'8 230 Goal is 155-175 (this will be adjusted as I hit goals)
The Fibromyalgia (if that is really what I have) is triggered by stress. It attacks different joints in my body. It's random. No rhyme or reason no warning. Anything from a shoulder to finger joint, knee to hip. And it changes every time. I have been on different medications and as of today the only thing I am taking is basic muscle relaxers and pain meds (Loratab) when the pain gets to be immobilizing.
Sometimes the ever present Prednisone is there so there is that.
Every good plan has to encompass all aspects. There are 3 very important parts to a lifestyle change plan. Nutrition, Exercise and Psychological. Lets start with Nutrition.
Nutrition (This part is kinda long)
I should be drinking about 115 ounces a day. That sounds like a lot right? Not really - All fluids count towards your water intake however remember some fluids contain calories, caffeine sugar which don't do a whole lot for you! Think about that morning cup of coffee then your trip to Dunkin Donuts for your 20 ounce coffee you are already about 40 ounces in! Experts say to drink a full glass of water before each meal and as soon as you wake up.
Water -  Water makes up 70% of my body weight. (so actually I only weigh 69 pounds LOL)
Take your weight and multiply by 67%. Your daily food makes up for about 25%. I'll use my numbers for calculations.
Current weight 230 * 67% = 154 ounces
Deduct 25% = 38
Water per day=115 ounces
Some interesting facts about plain ole' water and your body
  • 70% of the human body content is water, and so water plays an important role in the proper functioning of your body.
  • The human brain cells contain about 85% of water.
  • 75% of muscles is water
  • Bones also contain about 25% water
  • 82% of blood consists of water. 

What Are the Benefit of Drinking Water in the Morning?

It is a long known secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything, is a good way to purify your internal system. One of the most important results of undergoing this treatment is colon cleansing, which enables better absorption of nutrients from various foods. When there is production of haematopoiesis, better known as “new blood”, you will have immense body restorative effects and you can even be cured of existing ailments. Drinking water the first thing in the morning has the following benefits:
1. Make your skin glow. Water is known to purge toxins from your blood, and as a result you get glowing skin.
2. Renew cells. Drinking water first thing in the morning increases the rate at which new muscle and blood cells are produced.
3. Balance the lymph system. When you drink water first thing in the morning on a daily basis, you help balance your body’s lymph system. Lymph glands found in your lymph system fight infections helping you to perform your daily activities. They also balance the fluids in your body.
4. Lose weight. When you consume about 16 ounces of water (chilled), you will boost your body’s metabolism by abut 24% thus help you lose those extra pounds.
5. Purify the colon. When you drink water after you have woken up before eating anything, you are purifying your colon thereby making nutrients absorption easy.
6. Cures illnesses and diseases. Drinking water first thing in the morning has been proven to cure illnesses such as vomiting, throat disease, menstrual and cancer disorders, eye diseases, diarrhea, urine disease, kidney disease, meningitis, TB, Arthritis, headaches among others

This is a pretty simple guideline and it worked crazy good!  I eat 6 times a day or more. Sounds weird right? Not really. I eat when my body tells me to, I just have to listen and make sure its not being that whiney 2 year old asking for something it doesn't really need or want!
Calories current to maintain
First you need to know what your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is. Mine is 1754.1
I found this site and some of the posts in this blog are from there . Here is a great calculator that you plug in your REAL numbers (not your drivers license lol) and it will give you the results

Based on this calculation of going to the gym 5 days a week. I should eat 2718.7 calories to MAINTAIN my current weight. I typically shoot for <1500 a day. That means just by diet I am burning 8400 calories a week. That is 2.4 pounds. That is not taking into account my calories burned at the gym.

Calorie Needs to lose weight
There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. So, if you create a 3500-calorie deficit through diet, exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one pound of body weight. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue) If you create a 7000 calorie deficit you will lose two pounds and so on. The calorie deficit can be achieved either by calorie-restriction alone, or by a combination of fewer calories in (diet) and more calories out (exercise). This combination of diet and exercise is best for lasting weight loss. Indeed, sustained weight loss is difficult or impossible without increased regular exercise. If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level. For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low. An alternative way of calculating a safe minimum calorie-intake level is by reference to your body weight or current body weight. Reducing calories by 15-20% below your daily calorie maintenance needs is a useful start. You may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.

Sugar - I get any and all of my natural sugars from fruits. I do not eat any fruit after 1:00 PM. I try really hard not to have any sugar in my food after 1:00 PM. This keeps my glucose levels normalized.
Carbs - Under 50 a day. remember Veggies have carbs... Your starch veggies have higher amounts than your green leafy veggies. I try to limit the starchy to rare occasions and load up on the green beans and salads.
Junk - I LOVE JUNK FOOD. But it doesn't love me back. So I must end this Love/Hate relationship. Junk Food never calls me or texts me or sends me flowers we are over. I am not going to eat junk when I can eat something that is going to benefit me right? So no chips, candy, junk that does nothing for my body!

I will drink a nice glass of water when I wake up. Then my first cup of coffee with no sugar but I do use cream. That's non-negotiable :)
I use My Fitness Pal to track everything that goes into my mouth and my water and exercise. They have a mobile app as well.


I plan to go to the Gym minimum of 5 days a week. It doesn't have to be a gym but this is what works for me. If you don't want to do a gym then simply walking will help! Throw on some tunes and GET MOVING!!!!

My typical gym segment will consist of 30-60 min cardio treadmill, Zumba, Yoga and 30-60 min strength training on circuit and individual machines.

This is a really tough area for me. Some of you know me really well and know how I struggle with "self". Sometimes you are your biggest critic and enemy. I am mine. I look in the mirror and I am not happy with what I see. Its extremely self depriving and useless. I will over come this and begin seeing my inner beauty and recognizing my strengths and working on my weaknesses. Every day I will tell myself :
I am a beautiful person no matter what I see what I think or what I feel.
I will choose my moods and not let others affect my soul and happiness
I will make people smile everyday
I will improve all aspects of myself - Body, mind and spirit
I will be as healthy as possible in all areas of my life
I will not allow negativity or negative people in my circle

Well that's it for Pre game. I will posts these blogs to my Facebook. If you want to subscribe and join Team Bring It! Awesome. This is 100% for me however if something I learn or say helps someone else then that makes it all the better! I will promise to be 100%v truthful and factual in my posts and please feel free to comment. The only rule is NO NEGATIVITY. Be positive and inspiring to others, words can make and break people. :) I hope to post everyday something... some posts may be lengthy some short... but hopefully this will keep me on track.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Febraury 6th, 2013  Back At It! Blog #4

Hey Gang!!!

Well today is the day! I hit the gym. I have my iPod sync'd, gym clothes packed, lunch packed, everything I need to be successful just gotta drive to the Gym after work. I am not even coming home! :) Back At IT!!! (the GYM that is!) I have 2 pounds to go to be in the 220's!!! Can you believe I am really that excited? but yeah I really am! Every pound is like a mini goal for me :)

Life is about setting goals and meeting and exceeding them right? So here are mine:
  1. Hit my goal weight and be healthy. Currently that number is about 165. However that being said, when I get near that I will re-evluate myself and determing to lose more or maintain
  2. Grow my hair long again...I really do miss it!
  3. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night ( not happening tonight because I am typing this to ya'll)
  4. Get my PMP Certification
  5. Get my Masters
  6. Possibly look at buying another home... on the fence on that!
  7. Stay positive as much as possible in the face of adversity. (kill em' with a Bless Your Heart!)

Below is a sample from todays meals. This is fromt the MyFitnessApp! Pretty cool little deal. The only thing it doesn't "really" count is Carbs/Net Carbs. So actually I had less carbs but its all good! I set my goals kind of high so I can measure my eating and hunger. It you look at the bottom lineS:

You can see my Daily totals on line 1
My Goals on line 2
and my remaining counts on line 3

I am religious about logging things in here. Every meal every thing that goes in my mouth goes in this app. Its pretty easy adn a great way to judge what you are eating and if you should or shouldn't ( hence Chicken selects...)

Stay Healthy and thanks for your support!!! <3 you!

sample from today's menu from MyFitness Pal app
Atkins - Advantage Meal Bar - Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar, 1 Bar240221219Ico_delete
Mcdonald's - Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips (5 Pc), 1 serving640363838Ico_delete
Home Baked Cod Fish, 6 oz1601636Ico_delete
Green Giant - Just for One Broccoli and Cheese Sauce, 1 tray40712Ico_delete
Pictsweet - Asperagus Spears Steamables, 6 spears20302Ico_delete
Your Daily Goal1,4007031210
Remaining 300 1 -26 113

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th, 2013 Perseverance   Blog #3

Good Morning!

OK so this blog is about putting it all out there (and it's long SORRY!!!). First, I am going to relay some embarrassing and personal information that every woman cringes at. In order to keep this blog real and credible I feel that I have to be real and credible with myself.

I went to the doctor Friday because I felt like I was going into bronchitis. Caught that in the nick of time! However, while I was there I asked him to check my highest weight during 2012. WOW what a realization that was. (Numbers to follow, I promise and no skipping ahead :) ) So he said Wow what are you doing? You look great! I blushed because he is kinda cute! Anyway, I told him my plan and what I was doing. He approved 100%, I asked him to be on the safe side that I would like to get a complete blood work up done to make sure my numbers were where they should be. He agreed and that is coming up.

Now, most of us see the scale as a enemy and in a lot of cases it is, It is a number that represents your gravity level on earth, However, it is also a good indicator of if our lifestyle style is working or not. I have had many challenges in the past 90 days. New job, deaths, extreme friend drama, family, holidays...but this is life. Right? And if those events are not happening then its something else, other dramas. What I am saying is that life happens, it's up to you whether you use it as an excuse or look at it as a challenge to overcome. I choose the latter and decide to persevere!

My highest weight last year was (ready?) 282. Many say "OMG I would have never guessed you weighed that. But I did and that is extremely unhealthy. That put my BMI at 44.2. I currently weigh (ready ?) "235" (yay) and that puts my BMI at 36. My BMI has dropped over 8 points! By the table below you can see how bad 44.2 is. However if you look at the positive side of this, I am within 12 points of being "Normal" which is a weight of 191 or lower. I am 40 pounds from being healthy by the BMI standard. For more information on this go to this link.

If you read that does it scare you? It did me. I want to be healthy and not just so I look better but so I feel better and lessen my risk for something I can possibly control. This link has several good key points that are useful in this journey.

Now if you are stuck on a number (like me) and you want to set numerical goals( like me) then this link will calculate a range of what your ideal weight is. It does not take into consideration your body build. Some people have a larger bone structure (like me) and this is a GUIDE. What is important is how you feel. Are you happy healthy and when you look in the mirror are you realistic about what you see.

Alot of my issues is low confidence and horrible self-esteem. I remember being in high school at 148 and being told I was fat, Moo Cow (was one of the popular phrases for me) Fat Frye etc. I rarely if ever wear shorts or dresses to this day because people made fun of my large (then very muscular because I played sports) legs. I still hear those voices. When I walk into a room I still measure myself up against everyone there. Because of my own distorted self image I cannot see what others see. Warren is constantly telling me he thinks I am beautiful. I completely suck at taking compliments. All because of some bully's and cruel words that were said to me very early in life. This is where psychological perseverance comes in. I am trying not to see the physical me so much as the healthier me. So here is the low down - raw numbers ...

                     Beginning          Current          Goal           Current Loss     Goal Loss
Weight          282                     235                160              47                     122
BMI              44.2                     36                  25.1             8.2                    19.1

I will be re-assessing my goals as I go. Like I said, its just a number at this point. I have set mini goals along the way. Such as I wanted to be:
235 by my birthday on January 24th. HIT IT!!!
I wanted to be in a size 16 jeans. HIT IT!!!

So my new goals are:
I want to be in the 220's by February. (hey that's only 5.1 pounds)
I want to decrease my fat intake by 5 grams a day (set to 50 currently)
I want to increase my water to 1 gallon a day.

Warren has a great quote from Tony Horton, it goes like this....
"Don't say "I can't, say "I currently struggle with..."


Please note you should not go below 1400 calories per day, as this is the minimum amount necessary to meet your daily nutrient requirements. If the calorie level determined for you is below 1400 calories, you may want to consider increasing your exercise. However, if you are unable to do that, you will still lose weight, it will just be at a slower pace (approximately 1/2 pound or .25 kg per week).
To lose one pound (.5 kg) a week, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week). For example, reducing calories by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200 calories should result in a weight loss of one pound (.5 kg) per week

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8th, 2013 - The TEST! Blog #2

Wow what a few days it has been since my last post! As many of you know I lost my beloved Mother in law (MoM) on January 2nd. So, with that being said, I'm sure you can imagine the amount of food that was around. I stayed true and disciplined. On Wednesday January 2nd, I had to take Whitney and Raphael back to the airport to head out to France. Yep my baby leaving again. After I sopped them off I was planning to go to Deb in Wilmington to return a dress that I had purchased. Of course I had lost the receipt but I had the tags on it and they gave me a store credit. On my way to Deb after leaving the airport I had a complete hysterical breakdown in the car... you know a real ugly cry. It needed to happen. So I get out of the car, go in Deb and return the dress. The lady was more than helpful and even looked a little scared of me... it was strange. So I am looking at jeans and I thought ... ya know I am buying a size 16. If they don't fit they will soon enough right? I leave the store get back into the car and then looked at myself in the rear view mirror. OMG I was a MESS! Mascara streaks, raccoon eyes, blotchy. No wonder they gave me a refund LOL
Well I got home and knew I needed to pack for the trip. So I was hesitant to try on the jeans because if they were ridiculously small I would most likely cry again :) THEY BOTH FIT! From a size 20 to a 16! I am like OH HELL TO THE YES!!!!

When we got to Western PA, I realized I had forgotten my coat.So we went shopping. I found my Hydraulic jeans and they were not on sale for $59. I waited...Then Maurice's sent me a 20% coupon. They knew I needed some retail therapy. Well Saturday I needed some of that!
In the Indiana mall there is a Maurice's. Now those of you that know me know I LOVE my Hydraulic jeans. So Anita Brahosky and I went shopping. So I am looking at my Hydraulics. And I am looking at the 16's...then I spot the 14's. I know right what the hell am I thinking? Well I love these jeans so much I knew that I would stay motivated to get in them. So I take them and I am going to try them on when I spot the Juniors section. I said Oh let me tempt fate! So I grabbed the 15/16 and 17/18. All 3 pair fit! Now I ma not gonna lie even a little, I bought the 14's and I may wear them with the tags on them! LOL However if I have a quarter in the back pocket you can tell what the date is LOL they are tight but, my goal is to have them loose by March 1st if not sooner :)

The reason I went through all of that story was to say this... It takes determination, strength and a sincere want to change. I have made it through going back to WV (no hot dogs, no Cam's Ham, no good ole southern cooking) during Thanksgiving, several parties, Christmas, New Years and a funeral and traveling. New Job, etc. I have stayed 95% true to this plan. I had some sugar free chocolates, ½ a pizelle, etc. Very few cheat items have made the cut. You have to want it. It's hard saying no to what I would so easily put in my mouth without regards to my weight. I am getting stronger everyday and now it is time for phase two. (drum roll)

THE GYM! - I am really excited to enter this back into my life. I know that my number may fluctuate and that's OK. I will adjust my diet accordingly. But my goal is to have dropped 100 pounds by June (ish) I will re-evaluate my goals at that time. My main goal is to get healthy and the number is just a metric to keep me going! :)

I hope you enjoyed this. If you know anyone that is struggling with weight loss, self image or whatever .... link them to this blog. I am going to try really hard to be regular with this, if life allows me :)
<3 you guys thanks for reading and keeping me inspired
