Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th, 2013 Perseverance   Blog #3

Good Morning!

OK so this blog is about putting it all out there (and it's long SORRY!!!). First, I am going to relay some embarrassing and personal information that every woman cringes at. In order to keep this blog real and credible I feel that I have to be real and credible with myself.

I went to the doctor Friday because I felt like I was going into bronchitis. Caught that in the nick of time! However, while I was there I asked him to check my highest weight during 2012. WOW what a realization that was. (Numbers to follow, I promise and no skipping ahead :) ) So he said Wow what are you doing? You look great! I blushed because he is kinda cute! Anyway, I told him my plan and what I was doing. He approved 100%, I asked him to be on the safe side that I would like to get a complete blood work up done to make sure my numbers were where they should be. He agreed and that is coming up.

Now, most of us see the scale as a enemy and in a lot of cases it is, It is a number that represents your gravity level on earth, However, it is also a good indicator of if our lifestyle style is working or not. I have had many challenges in the past 90 days. New job, deaths, extreme friend drama, family, holidays...but this is life. Right? And if those events are not happening then its something else, other dramas. What I am saying is that life happens, it's up to you whether you use it as an excuse or look at it as a challenge to overcome. I choose the latter and decide to persevere!

My highest weight last year was (ready?) 282. Many say "OMG I would have never guessed you weighed that. But I did and that is extremely unhealthy. That put my BMI at 44.2. I currently weigh (ready ?) "235" (yay) and that puts my BMI at 36. My BMI has dropped over 8 points! By the table below you can see how bad 44.2 is. However if you look at the positive side of this, I am within 12 points of being "Normal" which is a weight of 191 or lower. I am 40 pounds from being healthy by the BMI standard. For more information on this go to this link.

If you read that does it scare you? It did me. I want to be healthy and not just so I look better but so I feel better and lessen my risk for something I can possibly control. This link has several good key points that are useful in this journey.

Now if you are stuck on a number (like me) and you want to set numerical goals( like me) then this link will calculate a range of what your ideal weight is. It does not take into consideration your body build. Some people have a larger bone structure (like me) and this is a GUIDE. What is important is how you feel. Are you happy healthy and when you look in the mirror are you realistic about what you see.

Alot of my issues is low confidence and horrible self-esteem. I remember being in high school at 148 and being told I was fat, Moo Cow (was one of the popular phrases for me) Fat Frye etc. I rarely if ever wear shorts or dresses to this day because people made fun of my large (then very muscular because I played sports) legs. I still hear those voices. When I walk into a room I still measure myself up against everyone there. Because of my own distorted self image I cannot see what others see. Warren is constantly telling me he thinks I am beautiful. I completely suck at taking compliments. All because of some bully's and cruel words that were said to me very early in life. This is where psychological perseverance comes in. I am trying not to see the physical me so much as the healthier me. So here is the low down - raw numbers ...

                     Beginning          Current          Goal           Current Loss     Goal Loss
Weight          282                     235                160              47                     122
BMI              44.2                     36                  25.1             8.2                    19.1

I will be re-assessing my goals as I go. Like I said, its just a number at this point. I have set mini goals along the way. Such as I wanted to be:
235 by my birthday on January 24th. HIT IT!!!
I wanted to be in a size 16 jeans. HIT IT!!!

So my new goals are:
I want to be in the 220's by February. (hey that's only 5.1 pounds)
I want to decrease my fat intake by 5 grams a day (set to 50 currently)
I want to increase my water to 1 gallon a day.

Warren has a great quote from Tony Horton, it goes like this....
"Don't say "I can't, say "I currently struggle with..."


Please note you should not go below 1400 calories per day, as this is the minimum amount necessary to meet your daily nutrient requirements. If the calorie level determined for you is below 1400 calories, you may want to consider increasing your exercise. However, if you are unable to do that, you will still lose weight, it will just be at a slower pace (approximately 1/2 pound or .25 kg per week).
To lose one pound (.5 kg) a week, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week). For example, reducing calories by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200 calories should result in a weight loss of one pound (.5 kg) per week

BMI Categories:
  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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