Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th, 2012 Day 7

Update on weigh in
Today is the 7th day since I started.I weighed in and I was down 4 pounds, I am going to weigh in tomorrow to see if there is a lot of difference. I may just take the short week weigh in and make Mondays my weigh in day :D

DOWNLOAD Noom for Android! Awesome little stay on track App :D

Self Reflection
So I had my review today and it was excellent. :) So I am really trying to understand why I have such great difficulty taking a compliment when it comes to my appearance. If someone says I am pretty I cringe and say something witty or Nah I am average or just shake my head and blush. If someone says I am smart, or funny or a great mom or sweet I am like Ah thanks! I am so weird sometimes! I don't see myself as one of those girly girls but I kinda always wanted to be? One of the popular ones that the others envied because of whatever reason. I think it stems from past relationships where I was told I was less than what I was (over and over) You start believing stuff like that. I don't understand how people can talk so mean to someone. Or parents to children? How is that possible? How do you talk down to your kids and hurt them? How do you not lift them up and tell them they can do anything and they are beautiful.
OK rant over. So I was told today that I was so pretty. I just made scrunchy face. (laugh) I think its one of my most "famous" faces :D because I make it ALOT! So I will work on that!
I was thanked by one of my Employees for being wonderful. Now that made me smile. If I can have a positive impact on someone everyday of my life, then that means more to me than anything

OK and What about Mr Tebow? What a guy! No denying he has heart and plays with heart! Love someone that perseveres!

Food Diary
Breakfast 9 450
IHOP 350
2X2X2 2 Eggs, 2 pancakes with SF Syrup 2 Turkey bacon.(SUCKED didn't eat)
Coffee Medium 100

Lunch (I was starving by 2)   715
Chik-Fil-A Spicy wrap I ate ½  410 = 205 (no cheese but...Not sure how much that would be)
8 Chicken nuggets no sauce 250
Medium Wild berry Smoothie 260

Dinner  300
Turkey on Hungry Girl Flat bread with Spicy Mustard 200
Apple 100

Total 1465 YAY Under 1600....

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,
    I just wanted to tell you how beautiful inside and out you are. As women we continually beat ourselves up inside, none of us can take compliments very well and are actually embarrassed by them but as we grow older we learn how to accept a compliment and become more confident. That being said.brace yourself here comes a have been such a good friend to me and helped me through some rough times and no matter what you continue to be my friend, I am proud to be able to call you my friend and will be here to encourage and love you.
